Building your business online

by | Feb 23, 2013 | News | 10 comments

I’m learning how to build my business on line.

Are you trying to figure it out?


A friend suggested this great group on line, and I followed her advice, because I know, like and trust her.

I’m so GLAD that I did! This group has been incredibility helpful!

They have daily motivational meetings (Mon-Fri), “The Morning Motivator”, on line.

They have a Saturday Training, called “Get Live Training”, on line.

They have a group chat, using Skype, on line.

Do you see the theme here? It’s all online. Education, information, business building and support!

Today’s training was really great!
Almost everyone in the “room” had some “ah ha moments”, you know, when the “light bulb” goes on, and something you were trying to figure out becomes clear!

The group is called Contact List Builder by Janet and Don Legere.

They are really amazing people.

Want to join us and hear about the next training?

Fill in your email information so we can stay in touch, or subscribe using FaceBook.
Click here and go right to Contact List Builder!

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