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Monday Morning Weigh in Blues, got ya down?

Gained some weight over the week-end? Was getting on the scale Monday morning a surprise? And not the good kind? Knew you had over eaten, over indulged, but not that much! Sound familiar? Thankful creating a healthy lifestyle is not just a goal or destination, more...
February is Heart Month

February is Heart Month

Being with a loved one, or loving yourself. It’s about love.    And Love also includes self-care. Are you taking care of your physical heart? Are you eating healthy? Getting enough exercise and drinking enough water? Are you taking care of your “heart”.  Are...

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4 Ways to Stay Healthy This Holiday Season

4 Ways to Stay Healthy This Holiday Season

Yikes, with the Holidays almost here, it seems so inevitable  to come down with the cold, or flu, AND then gain an extra 5-10 pounds! What about those gifts that stretch our holiday budgets – and then are re-gifted! If any of this sounds familiar, then I...

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So What is Trochanteric Bursitis besides a pain in you know what, or hip. From the Cleveland Clinic, web site click here “Trochanteric bursitis is an inflammation (swelling) of the bursa (fluid-filled sac near a joint) at the outside point of the hip… when...

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Wound Healing

Wound Healing

Troubles healing from your wound? A few supplemental practices are shared.

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Goals, Networking Activity and Starring Roles?

Goals, Networking Activity and Starring Roles?

You know " those" networking activities?      The ones where everyone in the room tries to look enthused?   A friend of mine had a very different experience during one of  the networking activities put on at our  Chamber's breakfast meeting recently.  This...

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Germs on your Cell phone, tablet and/or Purse/bag

Germs on your Cell phone, tablet and/or Purse/bag

Wipe Wednesday Do you know where your cell phone and the bottom of your purse have been? Did you hand your tablet or phone to someone who is hacking, sneezing, and coughing all over it? Does a child ever touch, play, chew, or cough on your cell phone? I bet...

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