Have you ever been, just a tad bit late, or slow on finishing something?
If you have, maybe you can relate to what I’m working on.
It’s the Vision Board.
I’m still working on my Vision Board, from January. I did start with a great free 7 Day Challenge class online, and then I missed a day, then I was behind.
I didn’t finish in January.
It’s February, and I’m still working on it.
Have you been in those moments when you realized that the timing, even though it seemed “off” was really perfect?
What I mean is the timing on the vision, being slow is perfect.
I had another piece to the puzzle, that I wanted/needed to put into place, first.
What was that piece?
Creating and envisioning my Best life.
How do I want to fill my days?
How do I want to feel about my day?
How do I want to reflect on my day, at the end of the day?
Yep, the pandemic is wearing on me, as it is on all of us.
And with this new tiredness, I found that I needed to make some changes.
Reflecting on my day(s), I realized that there were a couple of daily routines that I could shift.
Would not take up any more time.
Would not cost me anything.
Were easy to make small changes to.
Why these routines?
They were all running together… and feeling “stale”.
Do you know what I mean?
Is there something in your life, in your daily routines may be, that you could “change-up” and it would kind of “freshen up” the routine?
Would you share with us what and how you would change a routine?
I’ll share mine with you.
Part of aging for me is realizing that I really do need to do my stretching exercise in the morning. This I need to honor as non-negotiable.
And, this routine needed to be shifted. This is one of the routines that I choose to “freshen up.”
This shift was stopping doing the stretches on the weekend and added a different kind of bodywork on Saturday and Sunday. My menu is Yoga or MELT or Foundations Training. Just this one small shift really helped me to feel “fresh” again on Monday.
As part of my Intermittent Lifestyle, I drink coffee (de-calf) every morning, during the morning, until it’s time to break my fast. I switched this to only drinking coffee Monday through Friday, and on the Weekends drinking green de-calf tea, plain.
These two small changes helped to break up the ongoing “same old same old” that I was feeling every day.
And gave me a break in my routine, yet still aligned with my Vision of taking care of myself, my body.
With these small changes, I’m feeling more interested in doing my stretches, setting my intention for the day, and on the weekends, I’m looking forward to which bodywork class I will take!
Will you share what routines you are thinking about, or have changed? What you changed, and why you changed it, might just be the spark that someone else needs today!
Be Well, Stay Well