Pain. Pain Relief. How to know what kind of pain it is.

by | May 9, 2021 | Healthy Living | 0 comments

Pain Relief

Isn’t it amazing how many different kinds of pain we can have? And how “un-fun” they all are?

A friend was telling me how he was getting ready for kind of a long bike ride, and what suggestions did I have for pain and soreness management. He has been having some issues with his back.

That conversation led to me doing some research and curating this post.

Pain is about the body sending us a message. Sometimes, we don’t always get the message.

Some pain is the body’s way of saying, “Hey, we have a problem – focus on me.” Or it could be our body’s way of saying “we are not healing right.”

When we are trying to figure out what message our body is sending us, we first need to figure out why kind of pain we are having – the “why” of the pain helps to figure out what the next step is.

Where to start?

Let’s start with the basics. Is the pain acute or chronic?

How to tell which kind of pain you are having?

Acute Pain

Photo by Sven Mieke on Unsplash

Did you just stub your toe? And it hurts? This could be acute pain, it’s temporary, and usually “lasts anywhere from a few seconds to several months.” According to the Cleveland Clinic “, this pain usually goes away as normal healing occurs”. Dr. Brouse helps with the classification by saying “Acute pain can be modulated and removed by treating it’s cause and … acute pain serves to protect the body after an injury.” “Acute pain is the symptom of pain.”, Our stubbed toe example, or childbirth, can be good examples. Dr. Brouse explains that acute pain  “which has as its source in soft tissue damage, infection and /or inflammation.”


Chronic Pain

But what if the pain lasts? This could be classified as Chronic Pain. It could have come from an injury that didn’t heal well, or nerve damage (which is mine) or cancer or arthritis. “neck pain, lower back pain and migraine headaches are examples of chronic pain.” According to the Cleveland Clinic. Dr. Brouse explains chronic pain like this “Chronic pain is the disease of pain.” It does not serve the same purpose that acute pain does.

There are lots of medical treatments, techniques, and medications to deal with pain. With some pain, you need to see a doctor to get a diagnosis and figure out your next steps. These types of issues are beyond the scope of this post. If you are not sure if you should seek medical advice or not, ask your health care provider. They know a lot more than Dr. Google.

Back to pain and figuring out what kind it is.

What to do next? Using my own example, I was having pain in my jaw and face. I asked my Dentist if I had TMJ. He told me I didn’t have TMJ. Ok, good to know.

Time went by, the pain came and went. Over time the pain intensity was increasing. My next step was to go and see my Doctor. I did and was given a referral to see a specialist. After seeing the specialist, in my case a neurologist, I got my diagnose, Trigeminal neuralgia. The good news, I had a place to start, I now know the name of my pain. Bad news, the diagnosis kind of sucked. My next steps, I started to search for “alternatives” ways of dealing with my chronic pain.

I really like what Dr. Brouse says about Chronic pain. It is so very different from Acute Pain and often needs to be addressed differently. Often it “requires multi-professional support including chiropractic, homeopathic, acupuncture, guided imagery, relaxation, breathing techniques, massage, and specific and individualized nutrition.”

Have you figured out what kind of pain you have?


Do you have acute or chronic pain?

Are you looking for more information on pain, and what creates pain? This pdf may have some answers for you.

What creates pain?

What do I take for pain?

I take a product called Pain Relief Complex. Does it help with my nerve pain? Nope. Doesn’t even touch it.

Does it help with other pain? Joint, inflammation, etc. absolutely!

I can almost hear you ask, if it doesn’t help with your Trigeminal neuralgia pain, then why are you taking it?

I also have osteoarthritis (feels like bone spurs in my hip) in my left hip and regular arthritis in my right hip. This is why I take the pain relief complex, and I also take the advance joint Health Complex. Arthritis doesn’t seem to be a problem. Probably because of all the organic Alfalfa tablets I take daily.

I have a feeling that your next question is about taking all these products. Isn’t that a lot of medication to be taking? These products are not “drugs” or medication in the way we usually think of them. Many of the ingredients have been around since the dawn of time… and these ingredients are all made out of food and herbs.

So, what product is helping me? Pain Relief Complex. Every day.

What is it?

Pain Relief Complex* features a patented blend of clinically tested Boswellia along with safflower extract, which provides help for overworked joints. This is ideal for those whose work puts stress on joints and who don’t work out regularly. The ingredients help to relieve the discomfort from overexertion and also promotes flexibility and comfortable movement.

I agree. I still ride my bike and paddle my kayak.  Both activities require flexibility, and who wants to be in pain, when doing activities that you love?

How fast does this work? The benefits increase with use.

How can this product help you? It relieves pain in the joints caused by overexertion, repetitive motion, arthritis, etc. no side effects!


Looking for more information on Pain Relief Complex? These pages are from the “Build A Better You” book by dr. Richard Brouse.

[PAIN RELIEF COMPLEX Dr. Brouse Build A Better You



Joint Health:

Benefits of turmeric:


What do others have to say (for confidentiality only their initials are used)? Here are their Testimonials:

JP: I have taken more as a therapeutic dose for a couple of days. If I went more than 3 days taking double I would start feeling a mild discomfort in my stomach or gut.

I would spread out 2 or three the rest of the day. If you need to add Tylenol today just one or two. I would not add any NSAIDs.

I don’t know if it takes a few days for everyone or every situation.

Do you have Recover? I would take that at night instead of PRC if you have it.

JF:  I am not a medical professional however I have hurt myself numerous times & did take as many as 9 in one day and I am still alive.

JF: that was about 9 years ago & I was also taking Joint Health every few hours & saw my Chiropractor & within 3 days I was able to do a walk a thon up a 30 story building which I had signed up for months before.

SW: FYI when I have an acute injury I take 1 every single waking hour, with 1 omegaguard and 1 joint heal complex. so like 12-16 a day. Works for me, and the other longer-time Shaklee folks who shared this with me. 4 days is the longest I had to do that. Then I taper off.

PE: When I had a partial meniscus tear last year, I took 12 pain relief, 12 omega, and 12 joint health PLUS all my regular Shaklee nutrition every single day for 3 months. It has healed just fine. No surgery needed. And I’m 70. And I still walk an average of 45 miles every week.

PE: I’ll add that I felt a good bit of relief by day 4. I spread out taking the “big 3” items about every waking hour.

JY: Part of my regimen for my rotator cuff tear. I was able to avoid surgery by taking therapeutic doses of JHC, PRC, Omegas and more.

AC: When I injured my back I took 3 pain relief and 2 joint health every 4 hours the first day because the drugs they prescribed made me ill. The second day I took them as needed and after.


Do you have questions for me?

Contact Me: or 541.525.0703

Wondering how to order the products that I use, and were talked about in this post?

Go to: 

Thank you for taking the time to read through this post. I hope that you have found some useful information and that you are better able to manage your pain.



“Build A Better You” by Dr. Richard Brouse Sunnyside Health Clinic

“Why Do I Feel This Way?” 

Wound Healing

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