Could you hear my laughter on the wind tonight? It was an amazing evening here in Western Oregon. The sun (we lovingly refer to as a UFO) was out, it was warm, and we had dry pavement all 15 miles!
Tonight was the first Time Trial of the season. In real life this means that you are on your bike going just as fast as you can for 15 miles – and how ever long it takes you! Some folks call this a suffer fest. lol
After the push off at the start, I’m trying to gain some speed, and then, I felt it, the head wind on my face, I laughed. Seriously, I laughed!
What is more awesome than knowing you are alive, and that your body is moving you, in the direction you want to go! I bet you could hear my laugh on the wind, where ever you were this evening!
What an amazing and incredible feeling. To know that you are alive because you are pumping your legs just as fast as you can, in a smooth rhythm (you hope), to feel the wind trying to push you back, and looking at your little computer and seeing that yes, you are really are doing 15 mph into a head wind! Who knew! A party girl from South Pasadena, doing something healthy and loving it!
I was concerned that after finishing the Eugene 1/2 marathon on Sunday, I might need more recovery time, and tonight’s TT might have been ugly. I could have tanked, big time! And that would have been ok. Lessons to learn about recovery and healing my self.
I didn’t! Yep, I ate 2 Energy Chews before the TT and I was drinking Performance the whole time. I know that helped a lot. But who knew I would post a good time for me? And yes, I did get lapped by a lot of folks. But you know, we all have our own stories, and I don’t know theirs… It’s always neat to watch other riders, check out their bikes, how they ride, etc. as they ride by. 🙂
And I learned a few things, I’m more fit than I thought (HURRAY!), and that even if I think I might tank, to go ahead and try – I’m mean seriously, why not? – and that maybe, just maybe Mimosa’s really ARE a recover food! I celebrated a bit after finishing the 1/2 Marathon! lol
If I can do this at 59 3/4’s years old, what can you do?
And you thought you were going to get out of this one! Ha!