Steam Cleaning Mixture

Steam Cleaning Mixture

Carpet Cleaning – not necessarily a very exciting project, BUT in our house, it was needed, badly!   How to clean my carpet in a sustainable way? Using only Green Cleaners? I started researching! I have gathered this information from a number of different...
Gout Information

Gout Information

You know, you never think it’s going to happen to you… When your body needs more support and help then you know, and your body lets you know that there is a problem… I was talking with a friend, and she was sharing that she was having issues with...
Clarity, creating the best Version of Ourselves, one routine at a time

4th of July, 2020 Butte to Butte Memories

Today is the 4th of July in the United States. Are you an American, or live in America, or are you an ex-pat living abroad? How do you celebrate the 4th of July? Will you be getting together with friends and family? With social distancing, and face coverings, right? ⁠...