Blog Post



So What is Trochanteric Bursitis besides a pain in you know what, or hip. From the Cleveland Clinic, web site click here “Trochanteric bursitis is an inflammation (swelling) of the bursa...

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Introducing Myself

Introducing Myself

Do you ever start something, with the best intentions, then life gets in the way? That is what happened to me during the 30 Day Blog Challenge. I had signed up, thinking that being more consistent...

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Steam Cleaning Mixture

Steam Cleaning Mixture

Carpet Cleaning - not necessarily a very exciting project, BUT in our house, it was needed, badly!   How to clean my carpet in a sustainable way? Using only Green Cleaners? I started researching! I...

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Gout Information

Gout Information

You know, you never think it's going to happen to you... When your body needs more support and help then you know, and your body lets you know that there is a problem... I was talking with a friend,...

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3 words for 2019

3 words for 2019

Creating my Word for 2019 Have you ever picked a "word" for the year? A few years ago, during a New Year’s Eve party, a friend asked me what my “Word” was for the New Year. I had never heard about...

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Fibromyalgia. Not fun. I saw a friends post on Facebook, she was sharing another friends' status on the down side of Fibromyalgia. I asked her if she would like some information, that she may not...

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Sleep Naturally

Sleep Naturally

Sleep. One of my favorite past times! Not true for everyone. Do you have trouble sleeping?   Do you drag through your day? I use to work the graveyard shift in Juvenile Corrections, and I also tried...

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5 minute Business Solution

Do you attend online webinars? Are you trying to take notes, listen, copy the slides, while wondering if you will get a copy? Are your currently hand written notes, put away “safely” … waiting for...

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Simon Sinek shares with us How great leaders inspire action in this TED clip. Really enjoy this clip, and found myself watching and re-watching it. So simple, yet so complex. I have posted this on...

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FarmVille and Shaklee

Having coffee with a friend the other day, and she was telling me about this great deal she got on Shaklee cleaning products while on FaceBook playing FarmVille! I would love to hear other people's...

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Trail Run

Trail Run

This trail run was Tuesday 4/19/2011.  The goal was just trying to get the mileage in before the 1/2 marathon! The sun came out, and it was off to the trail for me and my dog!  She use to be my...

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Moving Meditation

I have been seeing, hearing, reading more about moving Meditation.  Right now I'm reading Brad Lamms book "Just 10 lbs."  He does a nice job of understanding all the peices of getting healthy, and...

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thinking about motivation today. It's Monday, so it makes sense. Thinking about what motivates me. Some times just looking out the window motivates me to go for a run! But, it seems that the run...

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Beauty Salon and Stroke

Just saw this info on my FaceBook page... Frank M. Painter If You Go To The Beauty Salon If they wash your hair, make sure you do it face-down, and not face-up, to avoid stress on your vertebral...

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Washing my truck the other day, I was thinking about the water running down the paved driveway and out onto the street.  I live on a hill now. When I lived out in the River Road area (flat...

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Hello World!

We are so excited!  I have now retired, and our business is really taking off, and I'm feeling more organized, more directed, and the sun is shinning!  For Oregon that's pretty awesome.

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